The Wrong Person

I walk on that road, I got onto from somewhere. Looking around, and trying to find something familiar, but am greeted by surprises and unexpected things. Once in such days, when I knew not what lay ahead; bumped into this very wrong person, who never was meant to be. Let’s name the person K, who halted my life right in the middle of the alphabetical series. Someone who taught me the extremes of life and how to neutralize the effects, with just one armour – ‘a Smile’. Someone who asked me to just be myself always, at all situations good or ugly. Someone who fed the idea of fighting for myself, for no one else would stand for me. Someone who brought a light to my face, every time we merely communicated or just expressed. Someone I just could always fall back to when I thought nothing seemed visibly clear ahead. It felt like standing below a grand trunk at fall; showering its leaves on me. Each leaf marking its wisdom grown over the years, and leaving a strong impression. I stood mesmerized as if a miracle struck me, whenever I had doubts over my mind. But like the old tree that looses away its glorious years to the age, time came when K and I decided to move on. For it was high time, K had to nurture a new lost soul, picked out in random from a disorderly world. Today in despair, I sometimes try to retrace my footsteps to the point we met. But seems the weather Gods have erased the lines, for they think K did the job very well. By making me capable of discovering new roads without battling an eyelid and panicking in the absence of the strong roots that supported my run and flight.

I shall prove the lessons weren’t in vain, and I learnt them really well. The days I keep reflecting the thoughts that transpired between us, when the need is felt. Though I would miss the shade your magnanimous aura always defined. Nevertheless you were one very wrong person, who made my being right in so many ways. Hey you wrong fellow out there, if I could ever get a chance to cross your garden; I bet you’d see me clutching some lilies, sporting that ‘Smile’, ear to ear.

“Once a while, the wrong turns in life; teach the right ways. The wrong decisions, give rise to space for reconsidering right decisions. The wrong situations you get stuck in, makes you realize how right those concerns were by close ones. And the wrong people, treat you the right ways. Never be dismayed in life, when you went wrong! You never know what’s lying in wait of you, which could change everything beyond imagination. And all that you are left with is some grey matter that holds beautiful memories!”


s said...

Hey Aka,

Great start..!! the poem is amazing..i also would like to thank the friend who introduced it on to you.. :)as for this post, what to say..guess we all have somebody like K who enters our lives just to walk away, destined or otherwise.. but der is a lesson to learn always... so keep up the spirit... c
cheers! :P

Jeevesha said...

Good that K came along in your life; Looks like he has made a difference.

I liked the way you articulated.
Very well written post. Keep them coming.

Chetan Umarani said...

The way u have expressed urself is just too good. And for the wrong person, let the time tell u the answer and I believe in not jumping to conclusions.
Today I received this very interesting mail, it had a circle of dots, if u saw it at the centre u cud not spot the other dots. And vice versa.
So its the same with us also, if u put urself in the centre, u dont see anyone else other than urself ur feelings & so. U miss out seeing the situation and finding an answer to the problem.
One more piece of gyan I got from my sister, that americans dont judge people. If someone hurts them, they say "tht was momentary and bcos of the situ he/she was in". We wud have said something like this "he is bad, he doesnt respect and wht all" and cursed him for life...
I read this "One who lives outside himself, is the happiest". So please try to get outside urself and feel the world. Its really different. :)

fangchu said...

hey Akanksha, i admire your spirit.. awesome.. dont hv words to describe how i feel, esp with the way things hv turned out for me.. but reading yr post, gives me a huge boost of satisfaction.. thanks mate.

waise.. i've linked yr post on my blog and also added and excerpt..

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