'3 Idiots'

Though unconventionally, the title would suggest; a premature review of the movie! However this has nothing to do with Aamir Khan and the line of producers, actors, etc in the troupe. It is based on real characters and story, a small insight into the foolishness of the ‘3 Idiots’.

Naming the characters, Idiot 1: Myself [better I start with myself], Idiot 2: Ms. P & Idiot 3: Ms. V. The backdrop scene being, 7th semester of Engineering Days and the season being SNAP for Symbiosis [in a country like ours, I suppose further specifying what Symbiosis means, would amplify my idiosyncrasy ;)].The nearest center for SNAP was Nagpur, and in the year 2005, the cold December month, four friends decided to go together to Nagpur; along with scores of fellow aspirants from the city. Half the train bogies were clogged by people we knew either from our college, or sister and rival colleges! Oh btw, a fourth friend, who destiny decided not to be flagged as an ‘Idiot’.
Fast forwarding to the location where ‘3 Idiots’ was conceptualized.

It so happened, the ‘3 Idiots’ were given the same venue: school as the examination center, and as we were searching our room numbers, we realized we’ve been allotted the same room. And nobody would believe what happened next. It’s totally unimaginable and a rare stroke of “Destiny’s Wish”! All three of us get seated as follows: Idiot 2 & Idiot 3 are partners for the examination. Idiot 1 sits right in front of Idiot 3, such that Idiot 2 & Idiot 1 are diagonal to each other. And the spacing between the rows was so less, that Idiot 1’s chair was leaning on Idiot 3’s table/desk. The ‘3 Idiots’ seemed to be so totally amused for a very long long time. But now begins the tagging of ‘Idiots’! Idiot 1 was very good in English/Language skills, Idiot 2’s strongest point was Aptitude and Idiot 3 aced in General Knowledge. While the whole room was busy cheating and using unfair means; so much so that communication happened from one end of the room to the other diagonal end, and all kinds of permutations-combinations of cheat paths happened in the network; the ‘3 Idiots’ decided not to go for unfair means; but keep smiling to themselves realizing the seating positions. Once a while glancing here and there and at each other; and a broad grin.

Wonder what stopped us availing the “Destiny’s Wish” and let it go unheard??? All had the formula to success when combined together, and DI/DS to be managed somehow. If only, the ‘Idiots’ syndrome wouldn’t have prevailed and some spirit of ‘Gandhiji’ or ‘Vivekananda’ or ‘Raja Harish Chandra’s’ wouldn’t have stirred our soul, all three of us would have graduated from Symbi as the 2008 batch. When the results were declared, much to being obvious we excelled in our strong areas [by good numbers], and lacked in areas other had the competency for! Though none of us regret our current life positions, yet the heart aches to realize we missed on the Symbi beat!!

Learnt and understood that when the whole world decides to be unfair, and is busy cheating; there’s absolutely no point in you being the lone crusader hoisting the flag of honesty, being truthful and not taking risks!! It’s you who loses out in the end, while everybody is beaming in the new found joy of the outcome. It’s then that idealistic thoughts go down the drains, when the inner peace of mind toils to no avail.

So anybody sitting for any competitive examinations? Maybe I too would be giving that!


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